98 research outputs found

    The Image as a Communication Tool for Virtual Museums. Narration and the Enjoyment of Cultural Heritage

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    The challenge of contemporary museums is to make content accessible to a wider audience; in this way information related to the good becomes more communicative and usable in order to enhance its uniqueness. Accessibility goes through an innovative communication of content: the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that are increasingly part of people’s daily lives. Communication in most cases occurs visually, so ICTs are increasingly focusing on a rethinking of this expressive form; images become a better support for high-quality data transfer

    Ricostruzione 3D della città di Amatrice. Una operazione di ‘instant modeling'.

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    A few months by the earthquake, the research proposes a method of "instant modeling" for the reconstruction of the urban digital model of Amatrice. The method underlying the described procedures allows to extract data from the web that flow into the model and conform it. In the case of Amatrice, model becomes an editable storage, able to integrate the data and at the same time freely queryable. Furthermore, the used procedures identify a method with which to represent informed model of any urban center; the results of the process are the basis on which to set a communication project of the cultural good, subject of the representation. The opening of the method to a continuous implementation of the model, means that research is a serious contribution to the theme of the Heritage Building Information Modeling (HBIM)

    Parametric Experiments on Palladio’s 5 by 3 Villas

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    This paper investigates and describes the parametric reconstruction of Palladio’s villas, using his treatise, I Quattro libri dell’architettura, as the primary source. The process starts with an extensive comparison of Palladio’s rooms’ ratios, the compositional rules of the villas’ plans, and the digital creation of parametric architectural elements. Finally, the process of parametric construction on three selected case studies of 5 by 3 villas—Villa Poiana, Villa Zeno, and Villa Thiene in Cicogna—is undertaken. The developed instrument offers an experimental laboratory in which different hypotheses of integration by the authors, or other scholars with reference to the sources, could be tested

    2.5d/3d models for the enhancement of architectural-urban heritage. An virtual tour of design of the fascist headquarters in Littoria

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    Enhancement of cultural heritage is not simply a matter of preserving material objects but comes full circle only when the heritage can be enjoyed and used by the community. This is the rationale behind this presentation: an urban Virtual Tour to explore the 1937 design of the Fascist Headquarters in Littoria, now part of Latina, by the architect Oriolo Frezzotti. Although the application is deliberately “simple”, it was part of a much broader framework of goals. One such goal was to create “friendly and perceptively meaningful” interfaces by integrating different “3D models” and so enriching. In fact, by exploiting the activation of natural mechanisms of visual perception and the ensuing emotional emphasis associated with vision, the illusionistic simulation of the scene facilitates access to the data even for “amateur” users. A second goal was to “contextualise the information” on which the concept of cultural heritage is based. In the application, communication of the heritage is linked to its physical and linguistic context; the latter is then used as a basis from which to set out to explore and understand the historical evidence. A third goal was to foster the widespread dissemination and sharing of this heritage of knowledge. On the one hand we worked to make the application usable from the Web, on the other, we established a reliable, rapid operational procedure with high quality processed data and ensuing contents. The procedure was also repeatable on a large scale

    Il Reverse Modeling per il progetto di design

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    Reverse Modelling (RM) is the process that makes it possible to deduce the representation of the of physical model’s shape by digital acquisition. The aim of the process can be various, in design it can be used both for restyling operations and for more strictly design operations. Today, methodologies and techniques used don’t follow standard procedures, in some cases craft operations are prevailing, in other cases actions aim to the highest strictness to reach extreme accuracy in the result. In the design process of the object, RM has a further task: working out the existing detachment between prototype and projected model, taking an active role in the ideational path of the object. Only an experimental applicative research allows analyzing problems, methods and techniques of commutation from a numerical model (cloud of points, survey) to a mathematical model (digital project). The study’s goal is to solve problems in the RM process applied to the design project. The experience was carried out making use of new potentialities given by digital devices, used to integrate the typical tools of design and descriptive geometry in their most contemporary acceptation. The research has led also to alternative results compared to today’s computational techniques used in the resolving procedures of the problem. The research was dealt with a systematic methodology,which is structured in a first step of cognitive investigation phase, a second step of analysis, then the survey, afterwards an experimental application. The cognitive phase has examined the tools of digital survey,the software of analysis and editing of numerical data and the software of mathematical modelling. The analysis phase was addressed to the problems of mathematical representation in design object. The following phase of survey was characterized by the searching of geometric entities of the object, deduced from the acquired numerical data, therefore the experimentation solved the relationships between prototype, acquired data and ideational mental model. The results come through the tools of our field of study, which express in this research their potential as means of comprehension and solution of the Reverse Modelling process

    Digital models of architectural models: from the acquisition to the dissemination

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    Antiquities and works of art preserved in museum collections represent an invaluable evidence of our history. A proper three-dimensional metric survey and digitisation of these assets (which are intrinsically fragile and for this reason need a continue and careful documentation) allow to increase significantly their resilience and they offer a valid contribution for the management of these objects belonging to movable heritage. This work takes place during a research experience carried out in the framework of B.A.C.K. TO T.H.E. F.U.T.U.RE. (BIM Acquisitions as Cultural Key TO Transfer Heritage of ancient Egypt For many Uses to many Users REplayed) during which a collection that consists of fourteen wooden models belonging to Museo Egizio of Torino has been digitised using both imagebased and range-based modeling techniques. In addition to geometric and radiometric data, provided by textured model, information of various nature related to the considered asset has been integrated. The main aim of the research, starting from the digital 3D models, is the creation of threedimensional databases (with alphanumeric and multimedia informations about historical, artistic and management aspects), useful for several purposes: 3D visualisation, communication, dissemination and data management. In this paper 3D metric acquisition strategies have been evaluated and the followed methodology as regards data enrichment have been illustrated

    Data modeling for museum collections

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    The relationship between cultural heritage, digital technologies and visual models involves an increasingly wide area of research, oriented towards the renewal of archives and museums for the preservation and promotion of culture. Recent research activities are the result of the progressive strengthening of digital technologies and the needs of a new generation of “digital” users, which requires museums to update their means of communication using Semantic Web languages and technologies shaped by a social conceptualization of a graph-based representation of information. The growth of several digitized heritage collections increases the necessity of proper methodologies to develop a structured system able to access to these collections and the large amount of data, metadata and paradata related to the digitized objects in a structured and organized way, defining a set of collection information models (CIM), that considers not only the digitizing process but also the data collection process, layered by an Upper Ontology level structure, based on CIDOC-CRM

    Il disegno narrato. Esplicitare algoritmi per insegnare la modellazione digitale | The Narrated Drawing. Explicating Algorithms for Teaching Digital Modelling

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    The tools for architectural design have rapidly evolved in recent years, integrating manual design with the use of the computer: through increasingly advanced tools the latest digital platforms, if wisely used, allow a deep and transversal control of the design and construction process, favoring the management of levels of complexity that the technical design does not allow to pursue. Without renouncing the expressive and ideative capacity of manual design, the new tools work efficiently on the relationships between logic and form, geometry, and attributes. The paradigm of design has changed, a change already underway in professional practice, which must be integrated within the academy; only in this way will digital procedures be fully dominated by future designers to obtain projects with an ‘ethical’ form. The present contribution aims at critically reasoning about these instances, between theory and technique, accompanying the narration with some interesting and original didactic experiences that explore the integration between different knowledge, investigating possible connections between a rigorous geometric/logical/formal approach typical of visual programming systems (VPL - Visual Programming Language) using explicit representation
